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Some parts

Please find more products on the parts inquiry page and send us an email to inquire about product price and delivery time, we will reply within 24 hours

Ingersoll Rand

For some commonly used parts, such as air filter, oil filter, oil pipe and so on, we can accept OEM customization


We can OEM customize gears, bushings, shank adapters, etc


By default, we prefer the OEM after-sales market of the part for quotation, if we don't have OEM, we will choose original authentic


In order to quickly find the parts you need, the image and nameplate or product picture is a good choice.

We can provide parts such as drilling rig, air compressors, shovetiles, excavators.

Contact us

Shenzhen Square Root Technology Co., Limited (Hong Kong Branch)
Unit B, 5/F, Gallo Commercial Building, 114-118 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Shenzhen Square Root Technology Co., Ltd.
No. 69 and 70, Fenghuang Shangxi District,Fenghuang Community, Fuyong Street, Bao’an District, Shenzhen China

TEL:+86 18820488204
Whatsapp:+86 18820488204
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